
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Chicken Sesame

You know that you have found a keeper when you ask the kids what should we make for dinner, and one yells, "Sesame chicken!" and then all the other kids follow with, "Yes, I love that stuff, please Mom."  Yep, it is a keeper!  I found this recipe in a church cookbook one day when I was searching for a recipe that could be made in the crockpot.  I love crockpot meals on days that are going to be hectic and this was one of those days.  
Wednesdays have turned into our crockpot day.  The girls have gymnastics and we don't get home until 6, and we are early eaters I guess, because by that time everyone is starving and wants a meal the second we walk in the door.  So crockpot Wednesday began.  The first night we had this everyone had seconds and thirds.  There was not a single bit of food left for lunches the next day.  A definite HIT!  Then the next week the kids asked for it again.  Okay, easy enough.  Now we have been making Chicken Sesame 1-2 times a month for almost a year now.  And no one, and I mean one one, complains that we keep having the same thing.  They love it!

Chicken Sesame

3/4 C. tomato juice
1/4 C. soy sauce
3/4 C. brown sugar
3/4 C. chicken broth
1 1/2 T. minced garlic
2 T. sesame seeds
4-6 boneless, skinless chicken breasts.

Throw everything in the crockpot.  Cook on low heat 6-8 hours.  Turn the chicken after about 3 hours to make sure all sides get in the sauce.  Serve over rice.

I buy a 6 pack of tomato juice that comes in 5.5 oz cans.  I found this to be the best price and one can is about 3/4 C.  So they are perfect.  If you are lucky enough to live near a WINCO, buy your sesame seeds there, in the bulk section.  You will spend about $2 for a big baggy of them, rather than $5 in the already bottled spice section.

Hope you enjoy!!

~ Rachel ~

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