I guess I will start by saying some of the ideas I have to share and then any feedback or questions from you all would be awesome. Now please remember, I am no doctor and this is not your personal professional advice. This is just things I have learned through my experiences and if you do have any of these problems/symptoms, you DO need to talk to your own physician.
1. That being said, here are my thoughts on where to start. For the past 12, almost 13 years I have been developing more and more allergies and not just to things like ragweed and pollen. Yes, I do have those too, but it is things like all fruits (minus berries), nuts, and vegetables. This all started in college with Ibuprofen. I had taken it many times and never had a problem and then one night at work I took it for a headache and all the sudden, my face was so swollen, I looked like Quasimodo. Next, it was any time I ate Mexican food, my bottom lip would swell and my tongue would itch. This went on for months before I finally figured it was because of the avocados in the guacamole dips. Next was fresh bell peppers; then bananas; then tomatoes and just kept getting worse and worse until I could not longer eat any veggies unless they were cooked or processed somehow. I guess that changed the proteins in them enough that my body didn't recognize them as foreign.
This has been VERY frustrating because I love fresh fruits and vegetables. I also love nuts. This makes for a very limited diet and variety! The last food I had to give up was lettuces. Good bye salads!
2. I also started having migraines like crazy a few months after my first child was born. I was having 4-5 a week. I went to a doctor and they put me on Allegra and an antidepressant. This helped for a few months and then they started coming back. They have come on and off like this for 6 or so years now.
3. I have also had periods where I am so tired I either take a nap every single day or I wake up so tired I just want to go right back to bed.
4. I have had a c-section, as well as one of my sisters.
5. I have had thyroid problems even though my thyroid tests have all been normal. (Dry skin, black eyes, hair falling out, high cholesterol, fatigue)
Now I know you do not just want to know about me. I will start with these 5 areas and share the things I have learned or learned how to deal with them and then either answer questions or move on to things that plague my SISTERS! I also want to throw a disclaimer in there that this may be only as much as once a month. I am not faithful as Rachel and Michelle with posting but I will try to be!
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