
Friday, September 7, 2012

Family Calendar

    Anyone and everyone's life can be busy, and may need visual reminders, but I know my life started to need the visual reminders once my oldest started school and sports.  This just got busy and I was afraid I was going to start missing things.  I had the idea to get the big Calendars I have seen the teachers have in their classrooms and laminate it so I could redo it each month with our family events.  I drew a little square in the top right hand corner of each day with a sharpie marker before I laminated it to act as the "Date" box.  I have assigned each family member a color so at a glance, we can tell who has what going on.  I personally got 2 of them so we can always stay a month ahead.  I have the current one on the front of my pantry door and the next month on the inside part of the door, that way, if something comes up for the next month, we can just pull out our marker and add it in.  We have been doing it for about 2 years now, and it has worked wonderfully!


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