Thursday, December 6, 2012

Dave Ramsey's $100,000 Christmas Giveaway

   I know I have not yet done a post for Dave Ramsey, which I am sure my sisters are actually a little bit shocked about because I am a big believer, but this is something fun he does every year I want to share.  Between Thanksgiving and Christmas, the financial guru, Dave Ramsey gives away $100,000 in cash and gifts every year.  I have been listening to his show now for about 5 years and he has done it at least that long.  Pretty amazing huh!  Someday, I would love to be in the financial position to be able to do that just in the Christmas season alone! 
   So here are the details.  Every day, log on to this website: and enter your name and information to win.  You can only enter once per day or your name will be thrown out.  (This is new.  Last year you could enter as many times as you wanted so remember this one if you have entered in the past).  He gives lots of things away from his financial books, Financial Peace University kits, the newest/hottest electronic devices, to cold-hard cash!  This week, he is giving away $10,000 on one day!!!  That is to one person and it could be you!  He will give $1,000 or $5,000 throughout the period too, so listen on the radio if you can or log onto his website daily if you can't listen to him.  If you have never heard of him before, I would strongly encourage you to check him out.  I will do another post, explaining his teachings on a different day; today I just wanted to focus on the GIVEAWAY!!! 
   Again the website is:


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